Monday, October 24, 2011

1st Birthday Construction Party

1st Birthday
Construction Party!

Having two very active little boys and a very full list of attendees, I knew that my son's 1st birthday party would have to have some action in it, thus, a Construction Party was born!  I tried to keep it simple, easy, and inexpensive.

 Decorations included black table cloths with yellow duct tape down the center to create roads, soccer cones serving as construction cones, road signs, caution tape, and borrowed trucks from the boys vast collection.

By far the "entertainment" was the hit of the evening.  I created a nail and hammer station made from styrofoam and golf tees.  I borrowed this idea from my son's preschool, so I can't take all the credit.  It was genius.  The kids played with this for a solid hour, maybe even more.  I had two long pieces of styrofoam from Home Depot, 100 golf tees, and 10 hammers.  The kids went to work and just pounded away!  In addition to the nail and hammer station, I also had hard hats for everyone and stickers for them to decorate their hat.  Both activities really kept the kids busy and were incredibly easy for me to do as well.

For goodie bags, again I kept it really simple, ordering things from Oriental Trading like the construction rubber duckie, tool bath squirts, and dump truck stationery boxes. I loaded them all into my son's wheel barrel, hoping no child would take off through house with it! 

And the party would not be complete without a beautiful Dump Truck cake and of course, a smash cake for the 1 year old.  It was a great success and lots of fun.  Now onto planning the 3 year old birthday party for next month........

1 comment:

  1. Love the road tablecloths and the hammering station! Great ideas!
