Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Book Tradition

I wanted to start an easy Christmas tradition for my kids last year and came across an idea while shopping at Barnes and Noble.

We love  books in our family, the more the merrier!  I thought won't it be nice to have the boys open a special Christmas book from Mommy and Daddy each Christmas morning.  The book had to have beautiful pictures since our kids are young and we would spurge here too.  Not a paperback which I normally turn to since my kids are also hard on their books, but a hardback, fancy book!

For our first year we choose Carl's Christmas by Alexandra Day.  We are big dog lovers in our family and this book totally fits our family.  Our bullmastiff, Cooper, could probably watch our boys with no problem just like Carl does for his baby.  The Carl books have just a few words in the beginning of the book and then the rest is up to your imagination with the help of the fantastic pictures. 

For this year, we are choosing You Are My Miracle by Maryann K. Cusimano.  Its a beautiful book that really helps convey just how much you love your little ones and this special time of year. 

I also write a special inscription in the book with the date so that we can easily keep track of the books each year and hopefully one Christmas morning, sit down and read them all together. 

Does your family have a Christmas tradition?  If so, please share!  I love to steal great ideas from friends!


  1. We open our special Christmas books on Christmas Eve! We love You are my Miracle! I just love reading through the books each year and reading the little notes inside the cover!

  2. love this idea-I plan to incorporate some books to open in their advent calendar experiences as well as santa pj's! Starting this tradition this year.
